- DC Beer Dispatch
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- October-YES!

Happy Fall Y’all! We want to wish our DC Beer fam (especially our Patreon members!) a Happy October and Snally month! As the leaves begin to fall, the season for crisp weather, crisp beers, seasonal ales, firepits, and layers is upon us! October is here, let’s fest all over the place! It’s one of THE busiest month of the year from Snallygaster to the endless Oktoberfests, and we’ve got you covered.
If you’re Oktoberfest’d out, get excited for the DMV’s beastliest beer festival, Snallygaster, returns! VIP tix are sold out, but there should still be some GA available!
P.S. A huge thank you to all our Patreon supporters and followers across all social media! Lastly, shoutout to all our Libras and Scorpios!

– Oktoberfest MetroBar Tasting Event
For DC Beer events, we’ve teamed up with metrobar to bring some beer fun to the fine beer drinking folks of the DMV. This time we’re going all out for Oktoberfest with beers from 12 local breweries! Heck yeah! Grab your tickets here.
– Womxn’s Brew Culture Club Oktober-FIERCE
Since October is literally the busiest month for us and breweries all over the world, we want to respect your time and have combined our Womxn’s Brew Culture Club monthly outing and our metrobar Oktoberfest event. To all the women and non-binary beer drinkers out there, join us at metrobar on October 5th for a fun, inclusive gathering and local lagers and festbiers! But don’t worry, the WBCC group is gonna get a special discount, because you rock! Reach out to [email protected] for your special discount code to this event.

Sat. Oct 12th – SNALLY All freakin’ day!
SNALLYGASTER!!!!! If you are attending Snallygaster this year, YOU GOTTA come by the DC Beer Podcast Stage and spot us on the Snally Streets for interviews and live coverage of DC’s BIGGEST Beer Festival. We’ll have extremely cool special guests on our Podcast stage for exclusive interviews and panels. We are excited about all of the revered beer makers and innovators we’ll feature LIVE on the DC Beer Stage. Stay tuned for more details, location and panelist line-up. VIP tix are sold out, but there should still be some GA available.

Wed. Oct. 23rd – DC Beer Trivia Night at Other Half
For the trivia folks out there, October’s trivia night with Jordan (@beersaroundtheway) will be on Wednesday, October 23rd! He hosts the Other Half show regularly and will be hosting an awesome trivia night with a special DC Beer round.
Wed. Oct. 30th – DC Beer Member Night at Lost Generation
In lieu of a beer share this month, we are celebrating our members with a fun member’s only happy hour at our beloved Eckington beer house, Lost Generation. It’s the day before Halloween, so we’d love to see some holiday spirit in the form of costumes, but don’t feel obligated... would be pretty cool though (wink wink)
DC Beer Members please see Patreon for details and RSVP info.

Noteworthy Beer Events this Month
The tradition of local Oktoberfests continues in October with National Landing hosting an Oktoberfest September 28 - October 15th, Aslin, Atlas, and Rustico are all hosting Oktoberfests on Sat. October 5th, and Dogtoberfest (courtesy of Port City Brewing) on Sunday, October 6th.
National Landing Oktoberfest, Sept 28th - Oct 15th
Aslin DC Oktoberfest, Saturday, Oct 5th, 12p-5p
Rustico Oktoberfest, Saturday, Oct 5th, 12p-6p
Port City Brewing Dogtoberfest, Sunday, Oct 6th, 12p-4p
Upweller Beer Co, Launch Party, Sunday, Oct 6th, 4p-9p
Dynasty, Bricks & Brews Lego Building with beer, Sunday, Oct 13th
Lost Generation, My Creative Outlet: Taste of Home Market, Sunday, Oct 20th 2-6pm
Silver Branch Maker’s Market, Sunday, Oct 20th, 12p-7p - Come on over to Silver Spring for a special Silver Branch Brewing Company event with Mojomala Books, Records & Cool Stuff
Other Half 4th Anniversary, Saturday, Oct 26th. Tattoo artist, Kush Food Truck AND VERY special collaboration beer Releases.

Are you getting as excited as we are for Snally? Have you checked out the brewery attendance list? Are you coordinating with friends about your Snally plan of action? We’ll, as we all gear up for Snallygaster, listen in to THE DC BEER SHOW for special Snally guests, beer lists, expectations and all the coverage DC’s largest beer festival deserves. Happy almost Snally folks!
Latest Articles
Do Go Back to Rockville: Silver Branch Readies Rockville Beerworks
“Silver Branch would like to devote more space in Silver Spring to events and dining, and are looking at properties in Rockville, Maryland, to install a 20-bbl brewhouse and small taproom. That’s right, get ready for a third Silver Branch location, and you can help. Silver Branch Rockville Beerworks will be the brewery’s main production space, with a modest tasting room.” Read the story.
Port City, Stone, and Soul Mega Get Cosmic
“In August Richmond’s Stone Brewing and DC’s Soul Mega visited Port City to make an IPA, with a few twists.” Read the story.
3 Stars Peppercorn Saison is Back, Thanks to City-State
A few months after 3 Stars Brewing closed two summers ago, our own Mike Stein lamented the 3 Stars-sized hole in DC’s brewing scene. In terms of beer, nowhere was that more true than in the end of Peppercorn Saison. The 3 Stars’ flagship was the last regularly-brewed saison in the District. Read the story.
Special thanks to all of our members! We LITERALLY couldn’t do this without you! Don’t miss out on beer shares, ticket discounts, beer deals, and all the behind-the-scenes stuff our members get!